China Taiwan conflict history 2022


 Today the story is of a country which became the basis of ideas. Taiwan was formerly known as Formosa. The population of this country is 2,36 crore rupees, which was a small island on the east coast of China. It mainly uses Mandarin and Hakka languages. That 90% of the population adheres to Buddhism. After the Communists' victory over China under the leadership of Mao Zedong in the Chinese Civil War in 1949, the Chinese Republican Kumintang government retreated and was confined to Taiwan . Although China lacked a navy, so they could not cross the sea and attack Taiwan. Taiwan is a small country but it is very advanced in terms of technology.And it occupies an important place in world economic activities.


The People's Republic of China and the Taiwan Republic of China do not recognize each other as independent countries. Both claim to be official representatives of Mainland China and the island of Taiwan, considering themselves to be official China.

Taiwan is an island that has been independent since 1950, but China considers it a rebel state. While Taiwan considers itself an independent nation, China believes that Taiwan should join China and then even if it has to use force.

china taiwan conflict

In China in the year 1644, the Ching dynasty came to power and unified China. In the year 1895, the Ching handed over the island of Taiwan to Japan. In 1911 China's Chihyya Revolution took place and in which the Qing dynasty was ousted from power. After this, the government of kuomintang was formed in China. All the areas that were under the Ching dynasty were given to the   kuomintang government. After the creation of the Comingtang government, the official name of China was changed to 'Republic of China'.

Mainland China was ruled by Taiwan from 1683 to 1895. In the year 1895, Japan defeated China. After the war, Taiwan came under Japanese control. After the defeat of Japan in the Sand World War, according to the declarations of Potsdam (1945), Cairo (1946), the right of the Nationalist Comingtang Party over Taiwan was reasserted.

In the next few years, the China Planet War turned into a war. The Communists led by Mao Zedong defeated the nationalist Comingtang Party led by Chiang Kai-shek. After defeat by the Communists in 1949, the nationalist Comingtang Party moved to Taiwan and formed its government. The navy of the Communists who came to power in China was not so powerful at that time. For this reason, Mao's army could not cross the sea and control Taiwan. In 1951, according to the Treaty of San Francisco, Japan

Withdrew its rights from Taiwan. But in the year 1952, China-Japan treaty talks were held in Taipei, but in any treaty there was no indication of China's control over Taiwan.

From that time a dispute arose as to whom Japan gave Taiwan. This is because the Communists were in power in China and Taiwan was ruled by the Comingtang. Mao believed that Taiwan was his right when it was victorious, while the Comingtang maintained that although he had lost some parts of China, he was the only one who officially represented China.

In the year 1970, Dag Shia Oping took over the reins of the government of China. He proposed the 'One Country Two Systems' policy. The main objective of this plan of Deng was to unite China and Taiwan. Through this policy, high autonomy was promised to Taiwan. Under this policy, Taiwan could follow its capitalist economic system under Chinese sovereignty, run a separate administration, and maintain its own military. However, Taiwan rejected this proposal of the Communist Party. Until 1971, Taiwan (Republic of China) was also a part of the Security Council of the United Nations. During the Cold War, Taiwan had the full support of America, but then the situation changed completely. US President Richard identified China and said that Taiwan would have to withdraw from the United Nations Security Council. Thus China became a part of the Security Council from 1971 onwards and in 1979, Taiwan lost its official UN recognition. In fact, after the economic growth in the 1970s, America was looking for new markets. At that time the population of China was 600 million while that of Taiwan was only around 10 million. In such a situation, the American business class wanted America to recognize China. In this way Taiwan became weak here.

It is not that Taiwan has been completely cut off from the world community and neglected. Despite being diplomatically lonely, Taiwan is counted as the largest trading country in Asia. It is the world's leading country in the production of computer technology and its economy is also very strong. At present, about 80 countries have economic relations with Taiwan, even though they do not recognize it as an independent country.

On the other hand, not only trade but also social relations between Taiwan and China have deepened. There is movement between the two through direct air service and sea ships, but at times resentment is seen.

    president   of  taiwan  Sai Ing-wen

President Tsai Ing-wen was born on August 31, 1956, in a very ordinary Taipei family. His father ran a small car repairing business. Sai Ing-wen is the youngest of his siblings.

Sai Ing-wen studied law and international business. He did his graduation from Taiwan and further studies in the US and UK. He holds a Master's degree in Law from Cornell University in the US and a PhD from the London School of Economics, UK. In 1984, after completing her studies, she returned to Taiwan. Where until the year 1990, he taught law to children at the National Chengchi University.

His first goal when he entered politics was Taiwan's dream of empowering his country. In the 2016 presidential election, he came to the government by winning a thumping majority. His becoming the President was historic in many respects. She is the country's first female president and the first unmarried president. Tsai became the first Taiwanese president who did not hold the post of mayor of the country's capital, Taipei. Not only this, Tsai Ing-wen is the first female head of state in Asian countries, who does not belong to any political family. In the first term, Sai Ing-wen's popularity became enormous. In 2020, she was once again elected President with a thumping majority. Became a choice for China.

President Tsai Ing-wen is known for being a political leader as well as working in the field of human rights. He has done many judicial, labor and pension reforms. In the year 2019, when Hong Kong youths agitated against a law and China tried to suppress them, then Sai raised his voice in favor of Hong Kong.

President Tsai Ing Wen views Taiwan as a sovereign nation. They believe that Taiwan is not part of 'One China'. China remains angry about his idea. Since she came to power in 2016, China has been refusing to hold talks with Taiwan. China has also increased economic, military and diplomatic pressure on the island. China believes that Taiwan is its territory. China says that it can be captured by force if needed, but the President of Taiwan gives a befitting reply to China's illegal actions.

Taiwan and America and chin

China has a long history with Taiwan.

In 2016, the current President of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, won the election for the first time. She is the leader of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which is officially in favor of Taiwan's independence. He also spoke to US President Donald Trump in 2016. Since 1979, official relations between Taiwan and the United States have been coming to an end. The talks between the US and Taiwan again increased China's concern. The US assured Taiwan of arms supplies. The re-win in 2020 added to the difficulties for China.

Taiwan fulfills all the conditions of being an independent nation. Taiwan may not accept China, but Taiwan fulfills the conditions of an independent nation. It has its own constitution. There is a democratically elected leader and there is also an armed force of about three lakh soldiers. Taiwan's military is ranked 22nd in the list of 140 countries in 2021. Taiwan's military power has been strengthened with the help of America.

A team of former senior officials sent by Biden has reached Taipei, the capital of Taiwan. It was only after Russia's attack on Ukraine that Taiwan said that China could also attack it at such a time. The delegation, sent by US President Joe Biden, is being led by Mike Mullen, former Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Army. China has condemned the visit of this team. China considers Taiwan its territory. The US has sent a team of its own to Taiwan.

Taiwan and China's influence on the world

The whole world is passing through a time of inflation and anarchy. If there is a war between China and Taiwan at such a time. So it will be very dangerous for the world. China has a very strong army from Taiwan, but Taiwan has also made you very powerful in the last few years. Taiwan also has a lot of support in the current situation. Which can put China in trouble. Economically strong China has expanded its business all over the world. In such a situation, if it has to face economic sanctions, then it will be a very risky job for China. Except Pakistan, all countries will strongly oppose China. If it thinks that its position will be like Russia. Will oppose China.

world economic situation

If China has a large share in the world's production, then Taiwan too

Manufactures Basic Metals & Metal Products Plastics & Rubber Chemicals & Machinery etc. The impact of the war between them will be on the whole world. The same war will have a huge impact on the whole world which can endanger world peace. America did not enter this war directly but. To maintain its image and due to the agreement with Taiwan, it will give full support to Taiwan. The way China is trying to control its neighbors by giving them loans and spreading its expansionist policy in the entire Indian Ocean. The countries of the Quad including India should also oppose it. It should be the duty of every country to understand and protect each other's freedom in the world. If the world community does not criticize this kind of expansionist policy, then it will make those small countries feel unsafe, which are small in terms of area, fruit and population. And do not keep their military power high.

threat of nuclear war

The whole world is in danger of nuclear war today. If China had to fight for more time than Taiwan, then it can use atomic bomb to maintain its image. 

The expansionist thinking has put the world in danger, war is not the solution to any problem, the world needs development and humanity, not neglecting others for its own interests.

India always believes in the concept of world one family which means the whole world is one family. And humans have to protect each other.

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