where is solomon island

where is Solomon island

Today the story of a country whose name very few people would have heard but is included in the strategically important islands. Since China's defense agreement, Australia America Japan has objected to the creation of China's Pacific Month Sagar military power base.

Solomon is one such island, a sovereign country, consisting of six major islands and more than 1000 smaller islands, to the east of this country is the country of Papua New Guinea. With a land area of ​​28,400 square kilometers (11,000 sq mi). The capital of this country, Honiara, is located on an island named Guadalcanal.

The official name of the then British administration was changed from the British Solomon Islands Protectorate to the Solomon Islands in 1975, and self-government was achieved the following year. Independence was achieved, and the name was changed to "The Solomon Islands" (without a definite article) in 1978. At independence, the Solomon Islands became a constitutional monarchy. The Queen of the Solomon Islands is Elizabeth II, represented by the Governor-General.

solomon island
Solomon islands

If we talk about the beginning of life in the Solomon Islands, it was probably inhabited by people of the Austronesian language group - before the beginning of the archaeological record - 2000 BC. Pottery was being used by the Lapita culture in Santa Cruz and the Reef Islands around 1500 BC. Materials dating to about 1000 BC have also been excavated at Watuluma Cave (Guadalcanal), on the island of Santa Ana, and on the outlying islands of Anuta and Tikopia

The official name of the then British administration was changed from the British Solomon Islands Protectorate to the Solomon Islands in 1975, and self-government was achieved the following year. Independence was achieved, and the name was changed to "The Solomon Islands" (without the finite article) in 1978. At independence, the Solomon Islands became a constitutional monarchy. The Queen of the Solomon Islands is Elizabeth II, represented by the Governor-General.

Exploring the Solomon Islands

The first European to reach the islands was the Spanish explorer lvAlvaroendana de Nira in 1568. Subsequently, rumors gave rise to the belief that not only did he find the gold there, but also where the biblical King Solomon had obtained the gold for his temple in Jerusalem. Thus the islands acquired the name 'Islas de Solomons'. Later the Spanish expeditions in the Southwest Pacific in 1595 and 1606 were unable to confirm the discoveries reported by Mendana. Geographers doubted the existence of the group, and it was not until the late 18th century, after further observations by French and English sailors, that Solomon was accurately charted. After Sydney was settled by the English in 1788, naval and commercial shipping increasingly passed through the waters of the Solomons.

Army of the Solomon Islands

 The locally recruited British Solomon Islands Protectorate Defense Force was part of the Allied forces that took part in fighting in the Solomons during World War II. There was no regular military force in the country since independence. Various paramilitary elements of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) were disbanded and disarmed in 2003 following the intervention of the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI). RAMSI has a small contingent headed by an Australian commander, with responsibilities to assist the police element of RAMSI in internal and external security. The RSIPF still operates two Pacific-class patrol boats (RSIPV Auki and RSIPV Lata), which constitute the de facto navy of the Solomon Islands.

  This country does not have an army of its own, recently it has talked to China considering its security. On which America, Japan,dDandurandAustraliae protested. Although the Solomon Islands has a police force consisting of about 500 soldiers, there is a border security unit. police are the country

 Are responsible for security service, disaster relief, and maritime surveillance. The police force is headed by a commissioner appointed by the gogovernorenegeneral prime minister.

Solomon Islands







Rennel and Bellona




capital of Solomon and

Honiara is the largest city in this country.

Solomon's language

 English education, the official language of the country, could not be expanded much. Due to this only 2, percent of the people speak English.

tribe of Solomon

If the tribe of this country is evaluated, then people of the Malaysian race live the most.

95.3% is Melanesian.

3.1% Polynesian

1.2% Micronesian

0.1% Chinese

0.1% European

0.1% Other

Solomon's Freedom

This country gained its independence from the united kingdom on 7 July 1978. At present, its population as per census 2016 was 599419.

 The economic situation of the country of Solomon

as far as GDP is $1.512 billion. That's a per capitincomeee 22357 dollars that currency is the Solomon IslDollarollar (SBD) currency.

The Solomon Islands dollar (ISO 4217 code: SBD) was introduced in 1977, replacing the Australian dollar at par. Its symbol is "SI$", but the "SI" prefix may be omitted if there is no confusion in using the dollar sign "$" with other currencies as well. It is subdivided into 100 cents. Local shell money is still important for traditional and ceremonial purposes for trade in some provinces and in some remote parts of the country. Shell money was the traditional currency widely used in the Pacific Islands; in the Solomon Islands, it is mostly manufactured in Malaya and Guadalcanal, but can be purchased elsewhere, such as at the Honiara Central Market. [129] The barter system often replaces any type of money in remote areas. The Solomon Islands government had gone bankrupt by 2002. Since the intervention of RAMSI in 2003, the government has reworked its budget. It has consolidated and renegotiated its domestic debt and, with Australian backing, is now seeking to renegotiate its overseas obligations. Major aid donors are Australia, New Zealand, the European Union, Japan,  and anandTaiwan.

What religion does Solomon follow in the country?

The religion of the Solomon Islands is predominantly Christian (comprising about 92% of the population). The main Christian denominations are Anglican Church with the highest population 3of 5%, Roman Catholic with 19%, South Seas Evangelical Church with  1wi1 with, United Church in Papua New Guinea and SotheSolomonn Islan, ds, 11% and Seventh Day Adventist with 10%. Another 5% adhere to tribal beliefs.

Solomon's country and China's agreement and the world

The US is sending two top officials to the Solomon Islands after an Australian senator visited last week over concerns about establishing a military presence in the South Pacific Sea nation.

 Kurt Campbell, National Security Council Indo-Pacific Coordinator, and Daniel Krittenbrink, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, will lead a delegation of US government officials to the Solomons. and will also visit Fiji and Papua New Guinea.

 This comes after Solomon and China signed a draft agreement last month of a security deal, with Solomon saying they would soon sign a final version. The draft, which was leaked online, says the deal allows Chinese warships to stay in the Solomons and send police and armed forces to "help maintain social order".

Solomon tried to downplay the importance of the agreement, saying it would not allow China to establish a military base there, but many neighboring countries and Western countries are concerned.

"Despite the comments of the Solomon Islands government, the comprehensive nature of the security agreement opens the door for the deployment of PRC (People's Republic of China) military forces to the Solomon Islands," Price said.

The US visit follows last week's visit to Solomon by Australian Senator Jade Cesselza, Minister of International Development and the PacifiCecelialja said he met with Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogaware and asked him to leave the Chinese deal.

"We have asked the Solomon Islands to consider not signing the agreement and to consult the Pacific Family in a spirit of regional openness and transparency, which is consistent with the security framework of our region," Cecelja said in a statement.

Solomon portrayed the meeting in a more positive light, saying that Sogaware and Cesselja had productive discussions about the security concerns of the Solomon Islands and the wider Pacific.

Last week, US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman spoke with Solomon Islands Secretary of State Jeremiah Manele about Washington's plan to reopen an embassy in the capital, Honiara.

The announcement of the reopening of the embassy, ​​which has been closed since 1993, came in February before a security deal was unraveled, but the US has decided to open its embassy amid already growing concerns about Chinese influence in the strategically important country. Spoke of.

 The Solomon Islands is also a member of the United Nations, Interpol, Commonwealth, Pacific Islands Forum, Pacific Community, International Monetary, Fund, and nd AfriCaribbeanar,ibbean and Pacific (ACP) countries (ACP) (Lomey Convention).

Solomon tourism,

 in par, particular diving can become an important service industry for the Solomon Islands. However, tourism development is hampered due to la ack of infrastructure and transportation limitations. In 2017, 26,000 tourists visited the Solomon Islands, making the country one of the least frequently visited countries in the world. The government expects tourist numbers to increase to 30,000 by the end of 2019 and to 60,000 tourists per year by the end of 2025.

currency of Solomon

The Solomon Islands dollar (ISO 4217 code: SBD) was introduced in 1977, replacing the Australian dollar at par. Its symbol is "SI$", but the "SI" prefix may be omitted if there is no confusion in using the dollar sign "$" with other currencies as well. It is subdivided into 100 cents. Local shell money is still important for traditional and ceremonial purposes for trade in some provinces and in some remote parts of the country. Shell money was the traditional currency widely used in the Pacific Islands; in the Solomon Islands, it is mostly manufactured in Malaya and Guadalcanal, but can be purchased elsewhere, such as at the Honiara Central Market. [129] The barter system often replaces any type of money in remote areas. The Solomon Islands government had gone bankrupt by 2002. Since the intervention of RAMSI in 2003, the government has reworked its budget. It has consolidated and renegotiated its domestic debt and, with Australian backing, is now seeking to renegotiate its overseas obligations. Major aid donors are Australia, New Zealand, European Union, J,apan, and Taiwan.


The island has participated in many sporting events.

Rugby union The Solomon Islands national rugby union team has played international matches since 1969. It participated in the Oceania qualifying tournaments for the 2003 and 2007 Rugby World Cups but did not qualify on any occasion.

Association football: The Solomon Islands national football team has proven to be one of the most successful in Oceania and is part of the OFC Confederation in FIFA. They are currently ranked 141 out of 210 teams in the FIFA world rankings. The team became the first team to defeat New Zealand in qualifying for a play-off spot against Australia for qualification for the 2006 World Cup. They were defeated 7–0 in Australia and 2–1 at home.

Beach soccer is the main sport in the Solomon Islands. The national beach soccer team, the Billy Boys, is statistically the most successful in Oceania. They have so far won all three regional championships, thereby qualifying for the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup on each occasion. As of 2010, the B, like Boys are ranked fourteenth in the world, more than any other team in Oceania.

agricultural sector production

Produces and exports other important cash crops. Major crops include copra, cocoa, and palm oil. In 2017, 317,682 tonnes of coconut were harvested, making the country the he1rankedkedd producer of coconut worldwide, and 24% of exports corresponded to copra. Cocoa beans are mainly grown on the islands of Guadalcanal, Mak, ira, and Malaita. In 2017, 4,940 tonnes of cocoa beans were harvested, making the Solomon Islands the 27th-ranked producer of cocoa worldwide. The growth of production and export of copra and cocoa, however, is hindered by the aging of most coconut and cacao trees. In 2017, 285,721 tonnes of palm oil were produced, making the Solomon Islands the 24th producer of palm oil worldwide. agriculture in the Solomon Islands is hampered by a severe shortage of agricultural machines mining


Gold mining began in 1998 at the Gold Ridge on Guadalcanal. The exploration of minerals in other areas continues. The islands are rich in undeveloped mineral resources such as lead, zinc, Nike,,,l and gold. Negotiations are underway to reopen the Gold Ridge mine, which was closed after the 2006 riots.


The fisheries of the Solomon Islands also offer opportunities for export and domestic economic expansion. A Japanese joint venture, Solomon Taiyo Limited, which operated the only fish canary in the country, closed in mid-2000 as a result of ethnic disturbances. Although the plant has reopened under local management, tuna exports have not resumed.

 This is a shortcoming of big companies and industrial ।


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