Most powerful intelligence agencies in world 2022

 Most powerful intelligence agencies in world 2022

India RWA 👉

 1. The full name of  RAW is Research and Analysis Wing RAW India's intelligence agency, which reaches the information of every conspiracy against India to the government so that the policy makers of India can take the right decision. The need for such an agency was felt in view of the threat of war with India and Pakistan. Which was established on September 21, 1968. Its headquarter is in New Delhi. Earlier, all these matters were handled by the IB. After the establishment of RAW, the IB looks after internal affairs and RAW, foreign intelligence, oversees important political, military, economic and scientific developments in India. Considering the possibility of more incidents like terrorism in India, its importance has become more.

 Anti-terrorism and some other cover operations have worked successfully.

The RAW agency played an important role in the creation of Bangladesh in 1971 by breaking up a part of Pakistan. Pakistan was developing its nuclear plans secretly. Which was disclosed by RAW and found out about their main nuclear weapons laboratory, Kahuta and Pakistan's nuclear plan got back a few days.

.2 CIA, Central Intelligence Agency - United States

 America's pride of becoming a super power, which has the title of world's super power, also goes to America's intelligence agency.

 Most powerful intelligence agencies in world 2022

CIA Intelligence Agency Americathe foreign intelligence agency of the United States federal government Established on: 26th July, 1947 . Its headquarters are in Fairfax, Virginia.

This agency has done remarkable work against terrorism in the United States and the Middle East. Therefore, it is often considered as the reason behind America's supremacy in the world. The CIA has no comparison with other secret agencies because of its daring actions and impressive coordination with top secret entities around the world.

The agency plays an important role in maintaining America's status as a superpower. Operation PBSUCCESS, in which US-backed rebels overthrew Guatemala's democratically elected president and assassinated Osama bin Laden, led to the institution's assassination. Major successes.

 3 .Mossad

   Mossad is considered the most dangerous intelligence agency in the world. It is Israel's national intelligence agency, which was established on 13 December 1949 and is headquartered in Tel Aviv. In view of the geographical conditions of Israel, the creation of such an institution is also a necessity for Israel.

Mossad is called the godfather of all intelligence agencies. The agency has been involved in some of the most daring underworld operations in the world. The main responsibility of the Mossad is to protect the country through intelligence and work against terrorism, including bringing Jews to Israel from countries where the official Jewish agency aliyah has been banned. The Mossad plays a huge role in protecting Jewish communities, due to which it is considered a military intelligence organization and a major part of Israel's intelligence system like the Internal Security Agency.

11 Israeli athletes were killed by a terrorist group called Black September during the 1972 Munich Olympics. The Mossad recruited its agents and spies to avenge the killing, and all suspected conspirators were executed.

4 - National Foreign Intelligence Agency of Australia

It was established on 13th May, 1952 with its headquarters in Canberra.

ASIS is also known as the best covert intelligence force around the world, with out-of-country intelligence as well as counter-intelligence and establishing liaison with foreign intelligence entities. The organization plays an active role primarily in the Asia-Pacific region.

Its agents are spread around the world and collect vital information. This agency operates with such secrecy that for many years many people involved in the Australian government were unaware of their activities. This agency was first mentioned in 1975. took place in the Australian Parliament and was publicly disclosed in 1977.

5 Germany's foreign intelligence agency

The Foreign Intelligence Agency of Germany is an intelligence agency working for the German government, established on April 1, 1956. Its headquarters are in Pullack and Berlin.

BND, Federal Intelligence Service is Germany's foreign intelligence agency that reports directly to the Chancellor's Office, this agency is second to no other agency in terms of technology. Its monitoring system is considered world class.

This agency provides information related to various fields such as foreign non-state terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. The BND monitors information on planned crime, illegal transfer of technology, arms and drug trafficking, money laundering and illegal trade.

6 FSB, Federal Security Bureau of the Russian Federation – Russia

The world's largest country has its own strong intelligence system that collects necessary information for Russia. The history of cold war between Russia and America is very old, with this Russia has a border with 14 countries. In such a situation, Russia needs such an agency. whose name is

Federal Security Service Russia It was founded on: 12 April 1995, its headquarter is in Moscow, Russia.

It is created by abolishing the USSR State Security Committee (KGB).Group. The FSD performs the responsibilities of monitoring terrorism and protecting the internal and external borders of the country. It also investigates serious crimes and violations of federal law. It has played a remarkable role in ending many anti-terrorist activities both outside the country and inside the country.

7 MI6 United Kingdom agency

 Britain, which has control over most of the countries of the world, has an important institution that reaches the UK with intelligence. whose name

  MI6, Military Intelligence Section 6 United Kingdom

MI6 United Kingdom agency is a British intelligence service organization founded in 1909 and headquartered in London.

MI6 is one of the oldest intelligence agencies in the world. This agency has been in operation since before the First World War. This agency is considered to be the reason for Britain's victory in World War I. This agency played an important role not only in keeping Hitler out of Britain, but also in defeating the German Hitler. British Intelligence is bound by the Intelligence Services Act 1994. Even the identity of MI6 was not made public until 1994.

8 ISI, Inter Service Intelligence – Pakistan

ISI Intelligence Agency Pakistan

Pakistan's Intelligence Service Established 1948

The headquarter is Islamabad. This organization was created in 1948 by an Australian-born British Army officer. Who served in the Pakistan Army from 1950 to 1959. It is the most important intelligence agency of Pakistan. This organization is so powerful that it runs the country practically along with the army. It is often ranked among the top intelligence agencies in the world.

For many years, the ISI has served as the backbone of the Government of Pakistan. The defeat of the USSR in Afghanistan is considered the most important victory of the ISI. His name has also been in controversy for giving training to terrorists.

 9 Directorate General for External Security

The Directorate General of External Security is headquartered at France 141 Boulevard Mortier, Paris, France. It was established in 1982.

DGES is France's external intelligence agency, working under the direction of the French Ministry of Defence. The agency works with DCRI (Central Directorate of Internal Intelligence). People work for the security of the interests of France. Information about the conspiracy against France reaches the government.

CSIS  Canadian intelligence agency

CSIS is the Canadian intelligence agency that looks after the national security of the country. CSIS's duties include gathering intelligence, conducting covert operations and advising the government on potential security threats. Which is an intelligence alliance between the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This organization is technically very mature


Every country is concerned about its security and is engaged in strengthening the intelligence system for this. So that every action can be kept under watch against its protests in foreign countries.

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