What is an advertisement definition and brand ?


What is an advertisement?

The definition of advertisement and brand?

 In the modern era, advertising plays an important role in the development of business.

 Advertisement helps us a lot in knowing any item. what is advertising

The word advertising is derived from the Latin words Adverto, which means to divert attention to the object. Earlier the meaning of advertising was considered to be only to give information, but at present it is being used extensively in the commercial world, so the present tense is referred to as advertising. The era has come to be known. This is what advertising is used today in every walk of life. Therefore Prof. Watson is of the opinion that wherever we are, advertising is with us, which means that in today's era there is hardly any such thing which is not advertised, the general meaning of advertising is to give information, but today it is used. It is done in a broad sense, under this all those things are included through which the consumers get knowledge of the newly made goods. Advertisement means to create in the utility of something.

The definition of advertisement and brand?


objectives of advertising 

Generally, the purpose of advertising is to increase sales by promoting goods, but at present the purpose of advertising on a large scale is not limited to this, but advertising is also done for other purposes.

1. Giving information about goods

 The first purpose of advertising is to give information about the product. By doing this the consumers will get information about the commodity and demand will be generated for it. Therefore, advertising is the first step from which information about production is received.

2. Generation of demand At present

 advertising is done in such a way that more and more consumer class gets ready to buy the commodity, thus generating demand is the third purpose of advertising. Nowadays production is done on the basis of demand by the public.

3. Increase in demand 

One of the objectives of advertising is not only to keep the demand stable but also to increase the demand. New markets are discovered for goods, the reason for this is to increase sales, advertising is very helpful in this form.

4. Reducing the cost of selling

 reducing the production and distribution expenses is also another purpose of advertising. Advertising is helpful in increasing the demand, so production also increases, the large scale of production brings down the cost of production.

5. To get maximum profit

 Advertisement increases the demand for the goods by giving correct information about the goods. It not only keeps the demand constant but also increases it, this increases the total sales and helps the seller to get maximum profit.

6. Promotion of reputation

 Another purpose of advertising is that it should encourage the reputation of the business. Every person has the facility to get the goods according to his need, expenditure and habit, so advertising is the medium which increases the reputation of the business.

advertising work

 A business tour is one of the measures to be adopted for the development of his business, advertising is the best and most important way in today's era, in other words, in the present time any successful businessman can increase his profit at the same time when he takes the help of advertising. This is why former President Roosevelt

 The statement of "If I am reborn, I think I will give preference to advertising business than any other business" The important functions of advertising are as follows

1. Increase in sales By advertising,

 information is given to the customer about the quality, utility and benefit of the commodity, its main purpose is to increase the number of consumers. This increases the production, which also reduces the cost. In the words of Lasker, “Advertising is a selling art as in printing”, thus advertising maintains the previous demand and helps in increasing sales.

2. Increase in consumption Advertisement increases both demand and sales.

 Due to this the demand for the goods remains constant and the production work is done on a large scale. This ensures stability in the prices of commodities. Thus it would not be wrong to say that advertising is the best means of increasing consumption and living standards.

3. Reporting of changes is sometimes read especially by large producers to change their production policies

 according to consumer interest, climate or season. Advertising also helps the producers in this task. That is why it is said that advertising is the way of presenting a proposal to the people.

4. Increasing the standard of living:

 Through advertising, customers get information about various new items. Not only this, advertising also motivates people to consume. That is why it is said that due to the achievement of the best things, the life of the people improves and the standard of living is high.

5. Maintaining the interest of the customers

 Advertising is a tool which also helps in maintaining the interest of the consumers. Through this, the properties of the goods are conveyed to the consumers from various riots, this is the reason that the interest and demand of the people is constant husband caste. That's why advertising is called commercial power.

6. Increase in knowledge Advertisement

 is helpful in increasing the knowledge of the people living in the society.

Opportunity to get new items to be consumed is available. Not only this, as a result of advertising an item again and again, people come to know in which things this item is the best.

              types of advertising media

1.  post Advertisement

 by post is one of the ancient advertisements. In this, the message is sent to the buyers by post. For this purpose, circulars, calendars, diaries, books and catalog sheets etc. are sent to the customers, the purpose of which is to generate interest in the customers and after reading they get attracted towards buying. In other words, it is a kind of appeal to the buyers to try to buy the item produced by us.

2. Newspapers and Magazines 

In today's era, newspaper is the most powerful and effective medium of advertising. Important information about various events is given in these newspapers. That is why it is also called a repository of information. Newspapers are daily, fortnightly and weekly. They are regional, regional and also international. Today, a separate advertising department is found in each newspaper, which categorizes and designs various advertisements, similarly newspapers are also an important means of advertising. Nowadays the prevalence of press advertising medium is found to be widespread.

3.Radio Advertisement

 Today radio advertising is more prevalent. Broadcast of advertisements in our country

'All India Radio' is done from different centers. In this regard it is said that "advertising by word of mouth in bulk". This advertising message is also carried in various regional languages. Hence it is the more popular medium. Radio advertisements are also done through various regional languages. The biggest advantage of this medium is that this advertisement can be heard by all types of people. Whether they are educated or uneducated. Through this, various items can be advertised on a large scale far and wide.

4. Television Advertisement

 This is the latest medium of advertisement. Its popularity is increasing day by day, this medium of advertising is more effective than radio. In this, advertisements are presented on the basis of pictures, syrialo and stories. It greatly impresses and attracts the people watching. That is to say that this medium touches the hearts of the people and affects the hearts. This is the reason why the popularity of this medium is increasing day by day. But it would also not be wrong to say that this advertising medium is very expensive, so it is used only by big business organizations. Its life span is short.

5. Advertisement for exterior walls

 In this type of advertising, various types of media are used, for example, postal, handbill, electrical display, sandwich man, sky writing, bus, rail and tram advertisement etc. It is also known as Mural advertisement, the purpose of this outdoor advertisement is to attract people walking and coming from the road. This method is a very useful and important tool for advertising of household items. In this way advertising reaches more and more people easily and its effect reaches more and more people easily.

6.Social site Social site

Social site Social site is the most modern and cheapest medium of advertising. Sites like YouTube Google have become the best medium to give product information to the planet. People search for information about a product coming into the market. It is the first choice of businessmen to reach their product to the people.

It should be our aim to make the advertisement more useful. Sometimes company provides wrong information of advertisement to sell more product. Doing this is not right with the planet. Advertisement should be used properly.


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