Meaning of Presentation|skills|articlecg

 Meaning of Presentation

Meaning of Presentation In the modern era, the best medium to make an object or its product appear effective is its

  Presentation takes place. A good presentation builds your brand value in the market.

Similarly, how to put an object or idea in front of others is called presentation. Effective presentation among listeners, audience and colleagues is an important communication responsibility, which is learned through continuous effort. Presentation refers to a speech already prepared for a small group of audience, that is, a small audience. In other words, presentation in business communication refers to providing necessary information to the audience regarding the goods, services or ideas. Since the presentation is influenced by the nature of the audience, the presentation should be done effectively on the topic concerned. Through presentation, one or more speakers put their views on a set topic in front of the audience, audience or colleagues.

Meaning of Presentation

   Presentation Objectives

Presently, presentations are done for many purposes; For example, to introduce a new product in the market, to start a new course, to make aware of the new concept, to expand the business, etc. The main objectives of a presentation can be explained as follows:

1) Display of any goods or services 

 In order to spread the goods or services in the market, it has to be displayed. So that people can be made aware of the working and benefits of that good or service. This allows more and more people to know about the goods or services.

(2) In order to manufacture the product

 companies do a lot of deliberation to make the product marketable. After that a strategy is prepared. In this, they determine the shape of the product and the strategy to sell it in the market. For this, the views of the consumers are collected and studied. Based on the findings obtained, the next plan is finalized. Is.

(3) To entertain business associates and audiences 

 Companies may, from time to time, persons related to their products; For example, meeting with sales representatives, associates, partners and consumers. On the occasion of this program, arrangements are made for refreshments and entertainment etc. The basic purpose behind doing this is that the person concerned considers himself important and valuable and continues to cooperate.

(4) sell anything for the purpose

 To sell anything for the purpose of selling an article, service or idea. A program has to be made. To prove the service to be useful to the public, arrangements have to be made for its publicity. Similarly, for propagating an important idea, necessary action has to be taken. These things are included in the purpose of the presentation.

5) For suggestions regarding a problem or a new principle 

 Problems keep coming in professional life. The seriousness of these problems cannot be truly understood unless it is properly presented for discussion. Similarly, no new theory can be adopted until its practicality is proved. It is appropriate to include this point in the objectives of the presentation.

      Presentation Type

The different types of presentation can be expressed as follows

(1) Personal presentation 

 Personal presentation refers to the ideas presented only by a speaker in front of the audience related to a specified topic.

 (2) Group Presentation

Group presentation refers to the presentation of their ideas by several speakers on the same topic in front of the audience.

(3) Informative Presentation

Informative presentation means giving information about a topic to the audience. For example, the training programs organized in the institution.

(4) Motivational Presentation 

 Motivational presentation refers to motivating the audience to do a particular action or adopt a particular behavior.

(5) Harmony Presentation 

 Goodwill presentation means to earn and entertain the goodwill of the audience at a particular time or situation. For example, an after-meal speech.

        factors affecting presentation

The following elements are helpful in an effective presentation

 1 What is body language in communication

 Body language is more important in presentation because body language accounts for about 50 percent of the communication. It is the tendency of listeners to make assumptions/concepts on the basis of what they see visually. On that basis they accept the presentation. Different types of body language help in presentation in the following way

1 Personal physical appearance In the presentation

 the physical appearance of the person has a greater effect because the listener forms his beliefs on the basis of what he sees. Therefore, in the presentation, the person should wear such clothes which are suitable for the environment.

2 In gait-presentation 

the presenter's gait has a profound effect on the audience, whereas a hesitant gait has a negative effect on the audience. At the time of statement, excessive movement distracts the attention of the listener, so the movement should be done according to the circumstances.

3 Facial expression 

 Expression is the most effective part of any presentation. The expression should always be appropriate to the situation. Off-topic expression may send the wrong message to our entire statement.

4. Use of Words

Words are the vehicles of communication. Different presentations by two people on the same topic can have different effects on the audience. Your words have the power to bring aliveness and clarity of the topic to the audience in your presentation. The use of motivational and encouraging words in the presentation makes it more effective and interesting. If your audience differs in their abilities and skills, the language of the presentation should be simple, non-technical and practical.

5. Use of sound

 Controlled, interesting, discreet sound should be used in the message. In this context the speaker should keep in mind the following

(i) Voice - The sound of the voice should be according to the number of listeners. You don't need to shout to convince them.

(ii) The tone of the voice-sound should be according to the level and attitude of the listeners. The audience's attention can be attracted by the use of soft tones.

(iii) Height – Change in the height of the voice can give information about the subject change. This makes the whole presentation seem relevant and effective.

(iv) Speed ​​- Your speaking speed should be according to the message. Continuing to speak in one motion makes the presentation uninteresting. Therefore, one should always use slow speed in the beginning and gradually increase it.

(v) Special Points - In the presentation, proper emphasis should be placed on particular points.

 6  Language Barriers in communication

 These are language barriers. To overcome them, simple and practical language should be used. The language should correspond to the level of the audience. The more comfortable the audience is with understanding the language, the more effective your presentation will be.

7. Cognitive barriers 

 These are those barriers which arise due to differences in feelings, opinions, attitudes, behavior and experiences of the presenter and the audience. The smaller the difference between these elements, the more effective the presentation is.

8. Answering questions

 At the end of the presentation, necessary questions should be asked to the audience and they should be answered as far as possible. If none of the listeners are asking questions, the recipient should begin asking questions on their own. If you don't know the answer to a question from the audience, tell the audience clearly, but don't give the wrong answer.

How to give a good presentation skills

 (1) Immediate Speech

 In this method the presenter writes down the main point or outline of the speech on a card or large paper. Presenter and audience like this method more. Doing so allows the presenter to make more visual connections and take a walk.

(2) Reading 

 In this method the entire speech remains written. The presenter reads it from beginning to end. There is less error in this. Many times reading the entire speech saves less time and in the end the speech leaves less impact due to the quick reading.

(3) Memorized speech 

 Before such speech the presenter writes the speech, then memorizes it. In this method, the opening speech is remembered, but there is a possibility of forgetting the end.

(4) Short speech 

 In this manner the presenter is asked to come on stage without any prior preparation or without prior notice and to express his views on a subject. Therefore, only very experienced persons can give such a presentation.

sale presentation

How well we are able to explain our points, it depends on our presentation. Competition in business is getting more frequent but your presentation system is correct. So in this competition, it will be easy to bring the product to the market and sell the product.

In the present time, the institutes and company are constantly engaged in developing new technology to sell the commodity and reach its product to maximum consumer. The main task of the salesman is to reach an item to the consumer and make it better than other products. . A salesperson reaches the information of his company and production to the consumer. The salesperson should have accurate information about your product. and communication

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