who is khorasan

who is Khorasan
A group of people living in Arabia came out of Arabia and reached Iran, the part of Iran where they reached was named Khorasan.
'Khur' means 'sun' in Middle Persian, 'Khursheed' in modern Persian, and 'Asan' or 'Ayan' means 'to come. 'Khorasan' means the place from where the sun comes i.e. 'Eastern land'. It got this name because the Khorasan region is to the east of Iran.
Gradually, the scope of Khorasan grew, but at a time when it was reduced to a small part of Iran.
Khorasan is also called Khorasan-e-Kahan in Persian. Ancient Khorasan was a historical region of Central Asia, which included modern Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and much of eastern Iran. It sometimes included the Soda and Amu-par regions. There is still a province in Iran named Khorasan, which is only a part of this historical Khorasan region. In 2011, Baghdadi's eyes fell on this and he has prepared 20 organizations for his boys from here. Khorasan is considered to be the most dreaded. And from there he dreamed of turning the whole world into a map of Khorasan, including India.
Nepal Bangladesh Parts of China India Pakistan Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan
included. Khorasan believes in radical Islamic views, according to him, there should be only one religion in the world.

Many oases are found in Khorasan, irrigated by wells and intermittent rivers. Famous for saffron, pistachio, gum, wood, blanket, skin sapphire, etc. Iron, lead, salt, gold, copper, and crystals are also found here.

What is the Khorasan module?
What is the Khorasan module of ISSI-K?
 I S I S -K Terrorist Organization I S I S
 It has a branch whose full name is known as the Islamic State of Khorasan Province. The base of this module is located in north-eastern Iran, southern Turkmenistan, and northern Afghanistan, besides the Pakistan-Afghan border. This organization is considered extremely dangerous. Maulvi, who always has fanatical thinking on behalf of Pakistan, sees the dream of Ghazwa-e-Hind to the people. who of India
 would be against.
Meaning of Ghazwa-e-Hind
  A war that should be fought according to the instructions of Muhammad. According to this belief, every Muslim must ensure that idol worship should stop all over the world. Because only after the stop of idol worship, the Sharia law of Islam will be established in the world. India has the highest idol worship. According to terrorist organizations like Khorasan and Al Qaeda, Ghazwa-e-Hind is possible only when either many parts of India Be it or else India should become a fully Islamic country.

Threat to India Khorasan -K Module
Ghazwa-e-Hind is the dream of Pakistan and its hardline clerics, terrorists, and army have been threatening Ghazwa-e-Hind against India. Treating all religions as equals, one should look toward world peace. So that the human race is more prosperous toward world welfare. Referring to Ghazwa-e-Hind in some religious texts of Islam, it is said that an Islamic army from Khorasan will attack India. You will be surprised to know that the area is called Khorasan, those who believe in fundamentalist Islam in Pakistan say that Ghazwa-e-Hind could not happen in all these years because before that the number of Muslim invaders who attacked India was a part of Islam. They were inspired by fanatic ideology but their aim was to plunder the wealth and wealth of India. But those who do Ghazwa-e-Hind will attack with the aim of not plundering India but converting India into an Islamic nation. But according to the theory of Ghazwa-e-Hind, radical Islam will have to be strengthened in other parts of the world before that. Afghanistan is just one example of this. If they are not stopped now, then it will become a threat to the whole world.
Given some incidents in India, the Khorasan module has been considered dangerous for India.
The name of the Khorasan module of the terrorist organization ISSI-K suddenly came into the limelight after the train blast attempt in Madhya Pradesh and an encounter in Lucknow, the capital of UP. This terrorist organization has been found active in Jammu and Kashmir. This terrorist organization is constantly trying to make youth terrorists in India under the Ghazwa-e-Hind agenda. Some people got influenced by the idea of ​​this organization and joined it. Such organizations are a danger to society and mankind.
Terrorist organizations use them
Hadiths are considered the most important in Islam after the Qur'an. The Hadiths of Ghazwa-e-Hind are used by Islamic fundamentalists and terrorist organizations to mislead people and make them terrorists in the name of Jihad.

Organizations like Al Qaeda and Jaish-e-Mohammed use the hadiths of Ghazwa-e-Hind to establish themselves and fanatics of India and Pakistan in the fire of jihad.

Pakistan, which is fighting a proxy war in Kashmir with India, and local and foreign terrorist organizations use these hadiths as a weapon to incite Muslim youth and brainwash them to take up arms against India. Lashkar-e-Taiba used to link Ghazwa-e-Hind with the independence of Kashmir.
The fundamentalists of Pakistan promote these hadiths saying that Pakistan was born to fulfill Ghazwa-e-Hind. Masood Azhar also used these hadiths extensively in his jihadi speeches.

The Uzbek branch of al-Qaeda had even brought out a magazine in Urdu called 'Gaza-e-Hind', in which it was said that the Nizam in Pakistan is according to Shariat. No, therefore 'Gaza-e-Hind' against India will start from here and spread all over the world.
America and Khorasan -K 
The withdrawal of the Taliban in Afghanistan has strengthened many terrorist organizations again. Once weak and disintegrated because of America's attacks, now these terrorist organizations. One of these organizations belongs to ISSI-K. The hostility between Khorasan and America started a few years ago. America considers Khorasan more dangerous for itself than the Taliban. America carried out many attacks while doing air strikes in which he made you dangerous bomb Mother of Bomb. also used. The organizations of Khorasan and ISI have threatened America several times. The situation in Afghanistan has changed rapidly since the withdrawal of America's army, the withdrawal of the Taliban in Afghanistan has strengthened many terrorist organizations again. He has started doing more of his activism. Once weakened and disintegrated due to US attacks, these terrorist organizations are now The expansion of terrorist organizations that have become a threat to the world is a threat to the world.
Terrorist organizations in the name of Ghazwa-e-Hind have made political use of religion to justify violence. The Government of Pakistan also used it according to its convenience. Such a system has been created. In which violence in the name of Jihad and Islam is said to be justified. According to him, it is a matter of regret and concern that Pakistan still does not seem serious about eliminating this ideological network of terror. Terrorism should be criticized openly. Every citizen of India opposes terrorism.

Terrorist organizations use them Hadiths are considered the most important in Islam after the Qur'an. The Hadiths of Ghazwa-e-Hind are used by Islamic fundamentalists and terrorist organizations to mislead people and make them terrorists in the name of Jihad.
India has always wanted to move forward with the spirit of world welfare. Many countries of the world are adopting strong strategies against terrorism. Where America has kept its soldiers in Afghanistan for the last several years to face the terrorists on the battlefield. Israel, on the other hand, has been very successful against terrorism despite being surrounded by Muslim countries from all sides.

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